Giving back – four incredible Aboriginal organisations we are donating to this weekend.

Many of the native Australian ingredients we use in our products have been used in traditional Aboriginal recipes and medicines for thousands of years! Today, we are able to reap the skin-loving benefits of these incredible natives in our products such as the & Snowflower Illuminating Face Oil,  & Desert Lime Flawless Face Micro Exfoliant, & Exotic Seed of Youth Oil and our No.3 Exotic Goddess Ageless Serum.

We want to highlight the intrinsic link that our products have to the Indigenous culture of Australia, and thank the various communities we source our ingredients from for their wealth of knowledge, incredible botanicals and everything they have shared with us.

As a way of saying thank you, and giving back to Indigenous communities, we will be donating money and product to four incredible Aboriginal organisations across Australia.

This coming weekend (1st and 2nd of August), we will be donating ALL proceeds from sales on to the below organisations:

  • Djirra;
  • Mudgin-Gal;
  • Aboriginal Women’s & Children’s Crisis Service; and

We have also donated over 300 Gold Rush Eye Creams and Sleeping Beauty Mousse's to the Happy Box Project.


To help us celebrate and highlight the intrinsic link our products have to Indigenous Australia, we have worked with talented artist Emma Hollingsworth (Mulganai) to create a limited edition package for our & Snowflower Illuminating Face Oil, which is made of 100% natural Australian natives!

Read on for more information on these organisations and other ways you can support them.


The Happy Boxes Project

Founded by Emma Sullings, the Happy Boxes Project delivers self-care packages to women in remote areas across Australia. After working as a teacher in remote areas of the Northern Territory, Emma learnt how difficult it was to access basic needs such as basic toiletries and self-care products such as deodorant, shampoo and soap.

The Happy Boxes Project aim to:

  • Support the empowerment of women through alleviating the barriers of accessing basic needs;
  • Provide opportunities for women to build capacity for individual and community development; and
  • Provide opportunities for women to share story and create connection to nurture positive mental health.

You can support The Happy Boxes Project by:

  • Sending your own Happy Box by gathering toiletries, beauty products, sanitary items or self-care items to the HBP headquarters.
  • Spreading the word about the Happy Boxes Project
  • Donating directly to the project here.


For more information, visit the Happy Boxes Project website




The core of Djirra’s work is to prevent and address family violence and support Aboriginal women’s journey to safety and wellbeing.

Djirra is a place where culture is shared and celebrated, and where practical support is available to all Aboriginal women and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past. The organisation runs community education, early intervention and prevention programs, cultural and wellbeing workshops, phone counselling, and a safe place of connection and respite, among other services.

You can support Djirra by donating directly to organisation, or joining their volunteer program.

To donate to Djirra, or for more information visit their website here




Mudgin-Gal (meaning ‘women’s place’) is an Aboriginal organisation in Sydney, run by Aboriginal women, for Aboriginal women.

Mudgin-Gal offers a safe haven and active support for women, girls and their young families through unique peer-to-peer services. These services span Mudgin-Gal’s day-to-day operations and welcoming presence as a drop-in centre and source of positive cultural and social networking, through to dedicated programs in areas such as in-home family support; provision of expert referral for accommodation, legal and medical support and court support and post-release services.


Mudgin-Gal is run entirely by volunteers along with intermittent funding on a project-by-project basis. You can support this incredible organisation by making a donation here, or visiting their support group here.


Aboriginal Women’s & Children’s Crisis Service (AWCCS)


AWCCS fundamentally believes in, values and respects the rights of Aboriginal women and children in relation to a life free of violence and oppression. They provide a safe and supportive environment and a range of holistic services to Aboriginal women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence, such as advocacy, crisis accommodation, and access to legal support, housing and women's health centres. 

You can help support AWCCS by donating here.


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Daisy Thompson

BComm&Media (MktgComm)

Daisy holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Media (Marketing) and brings her passion for beauty, health, and wellness to the Edible Beauty team. With a lifelong interest in natural skin remedies, Daisy has personally experimented with solutions for skin conditions such as eczema and hormonal imbalances, fostering a strong belief in the efficacy of botanical actives. As a competitive bodybuilder, she is dedicated to enhancing her health and vitality through natural methods, supporting her vibrant and healthy lifestyle.

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